Important SCO Announcement

Dear SCO Family,

I’m writing today to make you aware of something very unexpected that has happened in our lives.

Pentecost weekend the Board of General Superintendents (BGS) phoned me and asked me to seek the Lord regarding serving as the next Global NDI Director (Nazarene Discipleship International), a post recently vacated by Dr. Scott Rainey.

We had no idea that this request was coming. We agreed to talk it over, spend some time in prayer and then speak again with the BGS. In full transparency, this request has upended our lives for the last few weeks.

I did what I have done for more than 26 years.

  • I sought the Lord in Scripture and in prayer.
  • Jill and I talked and prayed together.
  • I sought counsel from those who mentor me.

I have used a particular method of Bible study for the last 26 years. I use the Revised Common Lectionary, or another source based on the same principles to read a Psalm, an Old Testament passage, a Gospel passage, and something from the Epistles.

Most frequently I use a resource called A Guide to Prayer. This is significant because, though I am not choosing the scripture passages to read each day, it is remarkable how often God has given me the exact direction I needed for a particular circumstance. Be it a board meeting, vision for the church, wisdom for an interpersonal relationship, and many other situations, God’s word speaks, and I am helped. When we affirm the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, this is, in part, what we mean. God’s word finds us if we are faithful to study it.

Over the course of the last three weeks, here is what the Lord said. These are simply quotes from my journal, so they aren’t polished up and elegant.

  • Pentecost Week:
    • Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones feels like the cause of discipleship in the COTN. The hand of the Lord is on me like it was on Ezekiel. Dry bones can live again. The cause of discipleship is in my bones.
    • Acts 2’s Spirit can breathe again and bring dry bones to life just as it did the fearful disciples. The Spirit of God is for the “ends of the earth” and so is global NDI.
    • John 15’s Holy Spirit promised to “guide into all truth.”
    • Psalm 104 promised that the “chaos would give way to peace.”
    • Psalm 42 reminded me to “put my hope in the Lord.”
    • I Samuel 17, the “battle is the Lord’s.”
    • Psalm 16 reminded me that “God alone is my portion and my cup and following God; I will not be shaken.” God will make known to me the “path of life.”
  • Trinity Sunday Week
    • Isaiah’s call in Isaiah 6, “Here am I, send me.”
    • Psalm 29, The powerful “Voice” of God, gives the “blessing of peace.”
    • Romans 8 – “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”
    • John 3:17 – “The Spirit moves where it will, so it is with the people of God.” We never know what God is up to.
  • First Week of Ordinary Time
    • I Samuel 3 – “The Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, ‘Here I am.’”
    • Psalm 139 – I want to be “hemmed in” by the Spirit, behind and before.
    • Acts 26 – “Now get up and stand on your feet, I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and witness of what you have seen and will see…”
  • Ordinary Time
    • Judges 6 — Even as I write today, the passage is Gideon’s call, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”
    • Psalm 138 – “When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.”
    • 2 Cor. 4:18 – “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
    • Mark 3:35 – “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

In the ways that God has spoken to me and directed my steps for the last 26 years, God has spoken again. We have accepted the call to serve as Global NDI Director.

Obviously, this is a grand interruption to what we thought God was up to. We have loved being DS and imagined a long and happy tenure with South Central Ohio. It is clear, however, that God has another plan. As sure as I am that God called us here, I am equally sure that God is calling us to NDI.

I recognize the “out of blue” nature of this email for many of you. I know you need time to process, but as you do think of this: If you believe in me at all, take solace in the reality that if I’m right and God is calling us to NDI, to stay would be outside of God’s will and a detriment to SCO and us. Further, when God works on one side of the equation, he always works on the other side of the equation. God is already preparing your next District Superintendent. Finally, SCO is in a strong place. We are healthy and ready for the future.

We are heartbroken. We love serving SCO and we love all of you. This new step feels risky and a very big unknown for us. We had categories for pastoring, even being a DS was something I generally understood. I don’t have categories for what God is calling us to in a global role, but I trust the God who calls. One of our newest DAB members said this Saturday in our DAB meeting, “God doesn’t call the qualified, God qualifies the called.” We are trusting that God will make us equal for the task.

Dwayne Mills from Appalachia Reach Out taught me this: “Put your ‘Yes!’ on the table and let God ask the question.” I have lived my life that way and God is moving again.

I am deeply sorry for any hurt or struggle this may cause you or the SCO family. You have loved us so well and we have tried to love you the same way. God brought us all together and though we imagined it might be for a longer time, we are deeply grateful for the last two years.

Our timetable is a bit up in the air at the moment, but I do know that I will be serving as DS through SCO’s Camp Meeting. Beyond that there may be some role sharing with NDI and SCO. This is yet to be determined. I will serve SCO in any way I can.

Thankfully, we will not be relocating to Kansas City. As a global role with a lot of travel, we will be able to conduct our duties from here in Grove City. Additionally, Jill will tender her resignation commensurate with mine and will join NDI in its work.

Very soon, Dr. Fili Chambo, our Jurisdictional General Superintendent (JGS) and Dr. Stan Reeder, our USA/Canada Regional Director will begin work with our District Advisory Board and Department heads (known as the District Advisory Council or DAC) to elect SCO’s next District Superintendent. These are leaders in whom we can trust. I am comforted that SCO will be guided by them.

There is much more I’d love to say. Perhaps another time. We praise God for his faithfulness and for all of you, our deeply loved SCO family. We hope to see you during the week of Camp Meeting.

With Deep Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Sam

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